
Project EOS Rise - A Sandbox Cooperative Survival Game

Created by James Baker

Embark on a thrilling journey into the unknown as you take the helm of the world's first intergalactic starship. Humanity's very survival hangs in the balance, and it's up to you to lead the charge and save our species from certain doom. But be warned, the road ahead will be treacherous, and you'll have to leave behind everything you know and love about Earth. Are you ready for the challenge? Will you have what it takes to navigate the vast expanse of space and lead us to a new home? The fate of humanity rests on your shoulders. Are you ready to take flight and save us all?

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thank You for Making Project EOS Rise a Reality!
9 months ago – Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 08:08:42 AM

Thank You for Making Project EOS Rise a Reality!

Dear Backers, Playtesters, and Family (French to follow)

I hope this message finds you in high spirits, and that you're all enjoying your copies of Project EOS Rise as much as I've enjoyed creating it. I'm writing today with a heart full of gratitude and excitement, and I want you all to know just how instrumental every one of you has been in making this project an outstanding success. 

When I embarked on the journey of designing Project EOS Rise, I had a vision of crafting a gaming experience that would transport you to a world of adventure, and imagination. It was a dream, and dreams are sometimes hard to turn into reality. That's where you, our incredible backers and dedicated playtesters, stepped in.

Through your unwavering support on Kickstarter, over 400 of you joined me on this thrilling adventure, and together we transformed my dream into something tangible and extraordinary. Your enthusiasm, your belief in our project, and your willingness to take this journey with me meant the world to me.

Now, as we see Project EOS Rise in your hands and hear about your adventures across the galaxy, I am filled with immense joy and pride.  

To the playtesters over the years,your feedback was invaluable, helping us refine and improve the game to the highest standards possible. Your passion and dedication have been the driving force behind our success. 

Because of all this support, we have not only fulfilled my dream of creating Project EOS Rise but have also been able to establish Random World Games as a small business. This is just the beginning of a new chapter in our journey. I am committed to continuing to provide you with amazing adventures, innovative games, and unforgettable experiences in the years to come.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for believing in me and for making Project EOS Rise a reality. Your support has been nothing short of extraordinary, and I am deeply grateful for the trust you've placed in me.

As we move forward, I invite you to stay connected with Random World Games (Link). Follow us on social media (FaceBook), share your experiences, and be part of our growing community (Board Game Geek). 

So, stay glued to your screens, because the adventure has only just begun! We'll be revealing more information on how you can actively contribute to Project Foundation Rise, right here on BGG.

I look forward to embarking on many more adventures together.

Once again, thank you for being the driving force behind our success. 

Adventure awaits!

James Baker

Random World Games

[email protected]


Merci d'avoir rendu possible le projet EOS Rise !

Chers supporteurs, testeurs et membres de la famille,

J'espère que ce message vous rende de bonne humeur et que vous profitez tous autant de vos exemplaires du projet EOS Rise que j'ai pris de plaisir à le créer. Je vous écris aujourd'hui avec un cœur rempli de gratitude et d'excitation, et je tiens à ce que vous sachiez tous à quel point chacun d'entre vous a été essentiel pour faire de ce projet un succès exceptionnel.

Lorsque j'ai entrepris l’aventure de la conception du projet EOS Rise, j'avais la vision de créer une expérience de jeu qui vous transporterait dans un monde d'aventure et d'imagination. C'était un rêve, et les rêves sont parfois difficiles à réaliser. C'est là que vous, nos incroyables supporteurs et testeurs dévoués, êtes intervenus.

Grâce à votre soutien indéfectible sur Kickstarter, plus de 400 d'entre vous m'ont rejoint dans cette aventure palpitante, et ensemble, nous avons transformé mon rêve en quelque chose de tangible et d'extraordinaire. Votre enthousiasme, votre croyance en notre projet et votre volonté de m'accompagner dans cette aventure signifiaient beaucoup pour moi.

Maintenant, alors que nous voyons le projet EOS Rise entre vos mains et que nous entendons parler de vos aventures à travers la galaxie, je suis rempli d'une immense joie et de beaucoup de fierté.

Chers testeurs au fil des années, vos retours ont été inestimables, nous aidant à affiner et à améliorer le jeu selon les normes les plus élevées possibles. Votre passion et votre dévouement ont été la force motrice derrière notre succès.

Grâce à tout ce soutien, nous avons non seulement réalisé mon rêve de créer le projet EOS Rise, mais nous avons également pu installer Random World Games en tant que petite entreprise. Et il s’agit seulement du début d'un nouveau chapitre de notre voyage. Je m'engage à continuer à vous offrir d'incroyables aventures, des jeux innovants et des expériences inoubliables dans les années à venir.

Donc, du fond du cœur, merci de croire en moi et d'avoir rendu possible le projet EOS Rise. Votre soutien a été tout simplement extraordinaire, et je vous suis profondément reconnaissant de la confiance que vous m'avez accordée.

À mesure que nous avançons, je vous invite à rester connectés à Random World Games. Suivez-nous sur les médias sociaux, partagez vos expériences et faites partie de notre communauté grandissante.

J'ai hâte que nous entreprenions de nombreuses autres aventures ensemble.

Encore une fois, merci d'être la force motrice derrière notre succès.

L'aventure vous attend !

James Baker

Pledges are making their way into your hands!
12 months ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 04:58:43 AM

Hey backers of Project EOS Rise,

I've got some delightful news for you! Across the globe, pledges for Project EOS Rise are making their way into the hands of our amazing supporters. I'm absolutely thrilled with the fantastic work Hero Time Manufacturing has put into coordinating this fulfillment journey on my behalf. Your heartfelt comments about the component quality and packaging have warmed my heart, and it's all thanks to the brilliant partnership with Hero Time Manufacturing!

Important Notice Regarding Component Counts

Now, a quick heads-up about the component counts listed on the game box. With complete transparency, I'm addressing a small oversight – a printing error – that affected the accuracy of the counts. I'm truly sorry for any confusion, and I want to make sure you have the right info. Check out the accurate component counts here: [Link]

United States Backers

And guess what? United States backers, get ready for an epic treat! Over the next four days, packages will be arriving at your doorstep. Can you imagine the excitement of holding the game in your hands? Show it off on Kickstarter or social media – let's share the joy together!

Canadian Backers

Calling out to my fellow Canadian backers – I haven't forgotten about you. Due to a little delay caused by a port strike, your games are on their way. By mid-September, you'll be diving into the world of Project EOS Rise. I'm personally overseeing the fulfillment process, ensuring safe shipping right to your door. Hold tight; the wait will be worth it!

As we approach this thrilling milestone, I'm beyond grateful for your support. Your enthusiasm fuels my drive to keep creating unforgettable gaming experiences. And speaking of milestones, I'm thrilled to announce that once every single backer has their copy, I'll be launching the e-commerce store at

If you happen to encounter any issues with your copy, don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]. Your satisfaction is my priority, and I'm here to help.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. I can't wait to meet you all in the future and share tales around the gaming table.

Until then, James

Project EOS Rise: A Thrilling Update on our Journey!
12 months ago – Fri, Aug 04, 2023 at 06:29:59 AM

Random World Games' Project EOS Rise: An Exciting Journey Update!

Hold onto your dice, backers of Project EOS Rise! I'm thrilled to unveil an update straight from the heart of our shipping partner's hub. The stage is set, and the excitement is palpable – all the games are officially packed and labeled, eagerly awaiting local shipping services to deliver the game to YOU! By the end of next week, a symphony of tracking numbers will come alive, guiding the packages to their new homes around the globe, from Europe to Asia and beyond.

Our backers within the United States are in for a special treat! We've already sorted out US customs and logistics, ensuring that the games will grace the US warehouse by August 15th. Once there, it's just a heartbeat until they're dispatched to your gaming tables.

Ah, Canada – our northern backers (myself included), I'm thinking of you! The ship has set sail, bound for our ports. They're charting a course for mid-September delivery. Our postal strike has caused a slight delay, but rest assured, we're working tirelessly to navigate through any challenges.

As our shipping partner readies themselves for action, I can practically feel the buzz of excitement rippling through the air. This isn't just a shipment; it's the culmination of dreams, creativity, and shared passion that you, our backers, have poured into Project EOS Rise.

Stay tuned for more riveting updates, thrilling twists, and heart-pounding announcements. The adventure has only just begun.

For press inquiries, please visit Join our community at


James Baker

Game designer

Random World Games

I'm thrilled to bring you an update regarding Project EOS Rise!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 06:14:16 AM

Dear Galactic Citizens,

We are thrilled to bring you an exhilarating update regarding the progress of our Kickstarter project. With great excitement and gratitude, we announce that the manufacturing phase of Project EOS Rise has been successfully completed, and we are now embarking on the next step: shipping!

Your unwavering support and belief in our vision have been instrumental in making this project a resounding success. The dedication and hard work of our entire team have paid off, and we are eager to share the fruits of our labor with each and every one of you.

Shipping Details: We understand that you are eagerly awaiting the arrival of your long-awaited rewards. We are delighted to inform you that the shipping process has commenced, and we have finalized all the necessary arrangements. Here are the shipping details you have been eagerly anticipating:

  • Fulfillment Center: We have booked the boat that departs on the 21st, ensuring a swift and secure journey for your rewards. As a result, the fulfillment center in the US will receive the shipment around the 21st of August.
  • US, CA Backers: You can expect to receive your Project EOS Rise rewards in early September. Our team is working tirelessly to ensure that your packages reach you promptly, and we appreciate your patience.
  • EU, AU, and ROW Backers: We haven't forgotten about you! We anticipate that your rewards will arrive closer towards the end of August. Rest assured, we are working diligently to ensure a smooth and timely delivery to your respective regions.

We understand that anticipation is at its peak, and we are committed to providing you with regular updates throughout the shipping process.  Please keep in mind, international shipping can have some speed bumps along the way. The above dates are estimates based on our logistical partners' current information.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your incredible support and belief in Project EOS Rise. We couldn't have come this far without you. As we move closer to the delivery of your rewards, we eagerly anticipate the moment when you can experience the culmination of our hard work firsthand.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. We are excitedly counting down the days until you have Project EOS Rise in your hands!

I'm thrilled to receive the production copy myself and I simply can't wait to start sharing some exhilarating video playthroughs with all of you!


James Baker  

Project EO Project EOS Rise

Random World Games

Attention, Galactic Citizens!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 01:32:40 PM

Attention, Galactic Citizens!

We have an important update for you regarding Project EOS Rise!

Firstly, let me address that their has been a delay in manufacturing. Rest assured, this is a delay that I willingly undertook to ensure an exceptional gaming experience for all of you. Our incredible partner, Hero Time Manufacturing, has wholeheartedly embraced an idea I had for the player boards. However, upon seeing the finished component, they and I felt it didn't exude the premium quality I envisioned.

With the manufacturer's guidance, I made the decision to pivot slightly and introduce a finish to the player cards. This adjustment will elevate the components to the level of premium excellence I had always dreamt of.

Consequently, the completion of manufacturing will be pushed back by two weeks, extending beyond the initially anticipated deadline. But fear not! I firmly believe in delivering the absolute best product possible, and I'm willing to stall momentarily to ensure an unparalleled gaming adventure awaits you.

Now, brace yourselves for the extraordinary news I'm about to unveil!

Over the years, numerous players have reached out to me with awe-inspiring ideas for an expansion. And guess what? The time has finally come to embark on this exciting endeavor. I'm thrilled to announce that the first expansion for Project EOS Rise, tentatively named "Aliens & Anomalies," is currently in development.

In "Aliens & Anomalies," the intrepid crew of the Starship EOS will encounter four new Alien spaceships, traversing the vast universe with endless possibilities for interaction. Let me give you a glimpse of what awaits:

  1. The merchant ship will grant the crew access to unique equipment, empowering their mission while introducing a vibrant marketplace for groundbreaking technology.
  2. Prepare yourselves for an epic showdown with the marauder—a formidable foe that demands caution and strategic planning. Conquering this adversary will bring forth extraordinary rewards.
  3. The collector ship will seek relics from across the galaxy, creating an opportunity for players to exchange these artifacts for exclusive rewards, truly enriching their gameplay.
  4. Behold the gambling den! Here, players will unlock a plethora of luck-based activities. From advantageous outcomes to the potential need for debt repayment. Remember always pay your debts or else fall victim to the wrath of the bounty hunter guild.

And that's not all! The expansion also features the intriguing Anomalies section. Prepare to face new challenges as you navigate the uncharted darkness of space. Encounter treacherous black holes, energy nebulas, and quantum time gates. These mysterious obstacles will present you with thrilling new choices as you fight to safeguard humanity.

Now, I must emphasize that the development of the Aliens & Anomalies expansion is still in its developing stage. This is where you come in! Join me on this exhilarating journey by sharing your incredible ideas for technology and space anomalies you'd love to see incorporated into the game. Your input will help shape the game mechanics and ensure an unforgettable experience for all.

Add your ideas in the comments below or on our BGG form --->

Before signing off, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your understanding regarding our slight manufacturing delay. Know that I held up the shipping process to guarantee the creation of an extraordinary product.

Thank you for your unwavering support.

Farewell for now, 
